My little (6'4 170lb) brother is such a joy. He brings nothing but laughter and loves spending time with me. He loves me so much, that he literally recites his Facebook timeline to me and we laugh together at his very sad illiterate friends.
This was all before I had to literally scream at him for an hour to stop "free-styling" in my ear, because if anyone in this world will become a rapper it WILL NOT BE MY BROTHER. Not just because I just wouldn't allow such non sense, but because he just flat out sucks. Big time. But I love him anyways.
He also spent about 15 minutes forcing me to watch his favorite Rick Ross music videos on his very cracked iPod screen, while I was looking up banking information on my laptop. So it was very fun pushing his arm from in front of my computer screen while screaming "I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT THAT RIGHT NOW, ANTHONY" very loudly in his face to get him to stop. In return, he grabbed both my arms with one of his hands then placed the iPod 4 cm from my pupils. It was fun.
True bonding experience.
Oh, okay he just held both my arms down and blew his breath directly into my face. I love this kid all too much.