Thursday, May 24, 2012

Boat Woes

"Sometimes you need to cry a little bit. So you start crying, but it ends up being a lot because: you have all this built up anger raging through the core of your soul, and you literally have no one to vent to, because those who surround you are the "haha, let's watch porn at work" kind of people and you can't find it in your heart to take them seriously, and then you loose a tool at work...but your story doesn't add up so it looks like you're a liar and all you want to do is scream "I'M NOT A LIAR!" because you're in the Navy and it's not like the pressure to be prestige isn't enough, and all you want to do is call your dad but you can't because its like 4am at home, and the only phone on this piece shit boat is a pay phone and the LAST thing you want is to get caught "crying to daddy" by some idiot big headed sailor and become the laughing stock of the ship, so you sit by yourself in a corner typing up run-on-sentences like a damn fool." - written by the angel below on May 13th @ 5:07 am.

First of all, how would you become the laughing stock of the whole ship idiot? Their are over 4,500 people aboard, and your issues are irrelevant. Stop being a baby.