Monday, December 24, 2012


So I've migrated to my parents room, because I am more than positive that I've had a little too much of that seasonal eggnog and whiskey. I tell ya what though, being home for from deployment is MAD refreshing. I mean other than the much needed massage I will be diving right into after Christmas, my life is sitting at a solid 97%, and I'm loving it. Being home with little no obligations at all is grand, considering I've burned every bridge possible in my home town. Seriously though, that was probably the best thing I've ever thought of. I mean who wouldn't want to be at home with my family, all day long? Just earlier we listened to Whitney Houston's greatest hits while looking at my cruise pictures, (R.I.P Princess) and now my 17 year old brother is getting wasted with my dad in the backyard. Even though all that gold is going on, I decided to hide out in my parents room and blog because I feel like I've got so much to jot down, but nothing is coming to me. Like ever. Nothing ever comes to mind when it's time for me to start documenting my life. I don't even know how I feel. Should I blame the Navy for that? It's the holiday's and while everyone is wondering just what they might've got for Christmas this year, all I'm thinking about is how I'm going to change my life next year.


But like, nothing cliche. I want to change something and mean it. Like how I feel about people, because I have convinced myself throughly that I'm just not a people person. Or my attitude toward my job, because like I've mentioned before I'm above complaining about my job at work...but it's fair game on the internet. Right? Like that's logical, because the internet is our safe haven. Yeah?

I really don't have a clue.
Like whatever happened to Christmas? When did I get old enough to be so vague toward something that meant practically everything to me at one point? I remember Christmas like 15 years ago. I would wake my sister up before the sun was up, and we'd be mad hype to open our barbies. Now, well now our entire house is drunk and it feels so much different. Not negative. Just different. Trip on that for a minute. Life sure is precious.